Frequently Asked Questions

  • Great question! We believe this is a unique service that perfectly blends how YOU move with how your bike is set up. As humans, we naturally develop asymmetries and when those asymmetries are put on a perfectly symmetrical machine, compensation will inevitably happen. With our backgrounds in Physical Therapy, we are able to combine our knowledge of human anatomy and performance training with our cycling experience to identify if any asymmetries are present and thus, ensure the best fit to how YOUR body currently moves. Your bike will be adjusted, but you will also gain insight in how your body moves and what you can do to enhance your comfort, efficiency and ultimately, your enjoyment of riding!

  • A movement assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of how each part of your body moves individually and as a whole. It is the most important part of the bike fitting process because it allows the fitter to establish how much emphasis needs to be placed on changing the mechanics of the bike. It also makes our product valuable due to having an in depth analysis of the body to help identify those pesky asymmetries that can fly under the radar, causing decreases in performance.

  • We currently fit all bikes besides Triathlon style. Triathlon style bikes require specific knowledge that we are working hard to gain, but it can be extremely tricky to perform the quality of fitting that we promise to deliver. Our goal is to make sure everybody is happy riding their bike, and if we are unable to accommodate your bike, we have contacts in the Indianapolis area that we can refer you too!

  • Even casual riders can benefit from a bike fitting, as it enhances comfort during rides while reducing the risk of injury while also increasing efficiency and performance of cycling.

  • Professional bike fitting optimizes the bike’s geometry to match your body and offers benefits like improved comfort, increased efficiency, enhanced power transfer, and reduced risk of injuries.

  • This is a wholistic process that will leave no part of your bike or body overlooked. The most common adjustments made are: saddle position (tilt, height, fore/aft), saddle style, cleat and handlebar alignment.

  • Wear your typical cycling attire and bring your cycling shoes to ensure accurate adjustments during the fitting session.

  • We are committed to having a successful outcome and an enjoyable cycling experience after a fit with us. This is why you will have full access to us after your fit and if you are unsatisfied after 30 days of riding, we will schedule a follow-up appointment to make further adjustments!

  • Yes! Contact us if you are interested in having us travel to your business or bike shop. We would love to accommodate coworkers or members in your community and schedule a day to be on site!